Lower Belt Division

KAM successfully showcased his Orange Belt Skills.

On March 5, 2022, KAM gets his 1st of 9 color Belts (the Orange Belt).

KAM Got Knocked Out By Uncle D When He Forgot To Duck.

On April 28, 2022, KAM gets his 2nd of 9 color belts (the Yellow Belt) and was nominated for the Leadership Training Academy; an honor reserved for higher ranked belts.

KAM is inducted into the Leadership Training Academy of Black Belts, which means he is on the fast track of becoming a Black Belt in TaeKwonDo.

There are 9 color belts before becoming a Black Belt; KAM successfully completed 3rd belt requirements on June 25, 2022 and is ready for the middle belt division.

On June 25, 2022, KAM gets his 3rd of 9 color Belts (the Camo Belt).

KAM has a friendly Hand-to-Hand Combat match with a teammate.

The Camo Belt Spin Kick.

August 13, 2022 Tournament in Birmingham, Alabama

KAM Took 2nd place in Traditional Weapons.

KAM took 2nd place in Combat Bahng Mahng EE; KAM's left.

KAM took 1st place in Combat Sparring; KAM's left.